Sirocco Community and Maintenance Update

The arrival of summer means more time spent outside, gathering with friends and neighbours, and in new communities…construction activity. We are well into our annual construction program for Sirocco. Below is a summary of the current maintenance and programming.

  • Street Sweeping. Sirocco is a community with many active construction sites throughout. Anthem has high traffic roads coming in and out of Sirocco and active construction areas swept and inspected weekly. Sweepers are in Sirocco on Tuesdays.
  • Community Park Timing. A new park space west of Creekside Drive will commence construction in mid-August. This park will include seating, a grassy area, pergola, skating in the winter, half court basketball and a play area. Our targeted completion date is the end of October.
  • Sirocco Storm Pond Landscaping. The storm pond located on the northeast corner of the community is a common walking area for many of our residents, especially in the summer. The garbage bins are monitored weekly by our landscaping partner to ensure there is sufficient space for garbage. Thank you for using these garbage bins to clean up after your pets.Additionally, our landscaping maintenance plans have had to be adjusted due to the major water feeder main break affecting the entire city. The following provides a summary and the impacts to the community of Sirocco:
    • The Bearspaw South Feeder Main break occurred on June 5 which resulted in ongoing watering restrictions as of July 30, 2024. This was a citywide issue that restricts the ability to water open spaces. For Sirocco, this impacts the landscaped areas including the storm pond, roadway medians and boulevards and park spaces. These restrictions unfortunately coincided with a heat wave hitting the hottest temperatures of the summer resulting in stress to landscaped areas.
    • In response, our landscape contractors had to limit the mowing in grassed areas to avoid die out of sod. Longer grass preserves moisture and self-shades protecting it during heat waves. There are still water restrictions being enforced by the city, so the grass will be kept a higher length until either the City relaxes the watering restrictions and/or temperatures drop below 25c for an extended period.
    • Anthem will resume normal landscaping standards the moment the city lifts the ongoing restrictions.
    • Please visit the City website on water restrictions to stay up to date with the latest info

If you have any further questions, please contact us directly at 403 265 6180 or