Get to know Sirocco at Pine Creek from the comfort of your home.
From virtual showhome tours to details about Sirocco at Pine Creek and how to get in touch with our builder partners, we’ve compiled everything you need to find about Sirocco at Pine Creek on one page.
New to Sirocco? Discover all that this community has to offer.
Sirocco at Pine Creek is a new community in Southwest Calgary. Homebuyers have the choice of bungalows, front drive homes and large paired homes. Learn more about Sirocco at Pine Creek below.
About Sirocco Nearby Amenities In the News
Explore Sirocco’s showhomes virtually.
Select from the logos below to begin your virtual showhome experience. Our builder partners’ tools and resources may differ but their commitment to giving you a memorable, informational experience is consistent.

Need more information on showhomes or available lots?
Currently our builder partners have various showhome hours. To ensure they are available to connect with you at your convenience, please schedule a private appointment or virtual meeting ahead of time.